💦 Authenticity 101: Tis been a long while since I had posted this type of musing. So, hear goes:
I awoke around 5:00 a.m. this morning to the reality that the state of New York has gleefully allowed “doctors and nurses” the “privilege” of ripping a full-term child from a mother’s womb.
My heart was telling me that our once lovely America – a nation already at the precipice of God’s judgment as it accepts homosexuality as the new norm, promotes the change of marital definition, celebrates the coast-to-coast consumption of drugs and sexual deviations and outwardly boasts of every evil thing as “good” but, every good thing as “evil” ~ has made the last turn from God’s grace and mercy.
Tearing out a full-grown baby from the womb is now being celebrated as “freedom”? My God! What have we, as a people, become? Where’s the church’s response? Why aren’t the pulpit preachers thundering out warnings of God’s impending judgments? Where are the mother’s vehemently protesting their peers murderous actions?
As a father, I held each one of my four sons – even before their own mother had – and, rejoiced in holding their precious lives in my hands. Not so with all those sons of bitches who cloak their selves in the garbs of “good doctors and nurses” and then, using those same hands, forcibly extract the lifeless, dismembered body of a child from the womb from a woman – an animal who is, herself, a willing murderer of the innocent.
I’m not sure if I am just damned angry right now or crestfallen or both. I am not even sure to whom I am more angered toward: the practitioners of death or the silent Christian whom “just wants to move on” and, “not talk about it anymore.”
Yes. I could mention that God is willing to forgive a person whom has done such a vile act of murder. But, that’s not what my post is about. It’s about our turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the obvious.
Dear God folks! We are butchering our own children right before our eyes! We are become a nation of moral slugs – concerned more about what the entertainment industry, career politician or news commentators has to say about morality – then what God Himself warns:
🔥 “You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so, profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.” ~ Leviticus 18:21
We, as a people in America – are traveling the very same road to God’s judgment as did of our counterpart; the Israelite people of long ago. At the height of their national power (and arrogance), God allowed a foreign power to invade them. The Babylonians proceeded to butcher the Israelite children, raped the women, murdered the elderly, took all the possessions and then, took the rest in to captivity.
I have a deep, unnerving pit in the deepest part of my soul that is telling me to prepare for the end of our nation as we know it. If God did not spare His own people, the Jew, why do we assume God will spare us? The LORD warns:
🔥 “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself. So it is said: “AWAKE, OH SLEEPER, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore DO NOT BE FOOLISH, but understand what the Lord’s will is. DO NOT get drunk on wine, which leads to reckless indiscretion. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:13-18
Personally, I am no longer concerned as much with the direction of my own country but rather, my own direction and how I am living it – knowing that one day, I will give an accounting.
Better late then never…
🔥 “Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and raging fire that will consume all adversaries.” ~ Hebrews 10:25-27
What are your doing, Christian?