Tag Archives: David

Me or Jesus?

❤ “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature (Saul), because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (David).” ~ I Samuel 16:7

Authenticity 101: I am neither tall, dark nor handsome. Thus, it wasn’t unusual for my being one of the last ones picked as a team member. I never went to Senior Prom or Homecoming either.

My senior year in High School, the Captain of the Cheerleaders squad stopped me in in a hallway, looked me in the eyes and said, “You would be one of the cutest guys in school if you weren’t so short!” (Sigh…)

My college business professor told me in front of the whole classroom, “You have brains, wit and improvisational skills far superior to most I know in the business world. The only thing holding you back is that you are not six foot tall. (Sigh…)

When I came to saving faith in Jesus Christ – the Spirit began showing me just how skewed the world really is – measuring a man by his outward appearance; what he looks like, how much money he has, his career path and the such. God however, cares for none of these things; rather favoring what a man possesses inwardly; richness toward Him, a contrite and humbled heart, a self-awareness of one’s own frailty and propensity toward sin and an acute need to thank God for His good mercies and graces given daily.

I have lived more a life than most men would live in three lifetimes. I’ve touched the beauty of relationship, adventure, career and fellowship and even His wisdom. The Lord has held nothing back from me; also allowing my wandering; being torched by my pride, desire and the resultant consequences that followed.

Let’s just say that I am no longer impressed with a woman’s outward beauty if that is all she can bring to a relationship. Nor am I impressed with a man’s business resume’; if he cannot also bring mercy, integrity or ethic to the table.

As for me personally? I don’t want to be that old man preoccupied with my physical or financial appearance for others sake. I want them to see Jesus in me. Nothing else.

“Father? Help me to run to the finish line. I see it more clearly now than at any other time in my life. I won’t make it without you sustaining me, guiding me and empowering me to the end. I need you more today than I ever realized previously. You have been kind, gracious and Holy towards me from the very first day I believed. Keep my in your firm grip. Thank you for affirming your value of me as an adopted son and friend. I love you so. In Jesus Name. Amen!” 💕

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